Thank you ABC Entertainment

When we started Bridging the Divide 8 years ago, we found the perfect partners in ABC Entertainment. The incomparably energetic Rene Dekker wanted to go on the adventure with us to present our project to the public. ABC saw the added value of the project and, like us, has a heart that beats pure music. 

As we announced earlier, we have now started our own label 'Time Travelers'. For us, it is the next step in the creative project that Bridging the Divide has become. We work together with creative designers, with video artists and we have the ambition as producers, together with other artists and musicians, to broaden our musical ideas. We, therefore, felt the need to arrange this part of the project ourselves. We learned a lot from ABC Entertainment, and without Rene and his team we would have been long gone, and no one would have heard from us again.

However, with our new release 'Wings' we are also spreading our wings.

We bow deeply and take our hats off to ABC Entertainment and Rene Dekker. Thank you for the ride, it was a thrill.

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